How to make dick bigger at home

Many men suffer from the small size of the manhood and everything you ever wanted to increase it even a few inches. Options how to make dick bigger at home a little bit, but some ways are quite effective and can lead to stunning results.

how to make dick bigger at home

I can increase the member – the myth and the reality

The manhood is delicate and sensitive organ, which responds to external influences. Through a series of experiments, researchers from the accuracy shown that if you regularly fulfill all erotic desires with your partner, with narrow small vagina, dick in a short time will also become much thinner. Thanks to this feature you can accurately answer the question – is it possible to increase penis. If he drops easily, why did he not grow?

Hurry up to resort to the necessary manipulations and perform all of the tips that recommend how to add a member, it is not necessary, firstly, to understand better how important this is. Sometimes men cheat yourself into thinking that the value of their dignity affect the satisfaction of female partner. This is not so – size rarely matters, especially if the partner is experienced and skilled in the love of the game.

If a man set a goal, and ready to go no matter what, you should know what it means, that you can add to the pride:

  1. suspend the load;
  2. affect the special massage;
  3. resorting to the vacuum pump;
  4. to take medication;
  5. use gel, cream;
  6. to use the extender.

All at once is not recommended – the member does not withstand such loads and vice versa – to reduce the diameter or shorter.

How to increase the member without surgery – some useful tips

The simplest and most proven way to increase man's pride came from ancient times. Representatives of the strong half use a number of simple exercises, knowing how to increase the member without surgery and medical assistance.

How to increase the member states, using only your hands? The most important rule of manhood is certainly excited state. The technique of "milking" is a number of techniques, it is recommended to use an integrated approach – every time you change the set of exercises.

You should spend warming up – it helps blood flow. As heaters you can use a bag of warm salt, or any grain.

The most effective exercise is in this order:

  1. Make a ring on the finger and wrap it around your penis at the base.
  2. Slow motion-move the ring forward, a little on the short end.
  3. Pull this penis for several minutes (to start 35-40 extrusions, gradually increasing their number).
  4. For greater impact, and easy to slide, it is recommended to apply special fat.

The second exercise is a little simpler, and it's just a pack member. This should be done with his palm, pulling the penis in different directions (up, right, down). Gripping him hard, but not before occurrence of painful sensations, because you can injure the delicate tissues.

Not the pump of the member – the opinion of the stronger sex

Many men are interested in the question – whether the pump member, because this device can often see ads or even counter pharmacy. Because it looks like the stronger sex, vacuum pump actually works and is capable of the first month of use by pulling the penis up to 1-2 cm!

How works the device? The principle of their work is that the penis, create a vacuum in space, stimulates the work of blood vessels and improve erections.


Before the procedure, the penis will certainly lubricate the cream (fat), and then inserted into the cylinder of the device. The pressure gauge is regulated by a vacuum. The pump easily add the diameter and length of the penis, and the effect of this short, so it is best used just before intercourse.

Increase male of the pride massage

Achieve excellent results with a simple massage and here you can take part up to companion. The method is simple and practically free – buy nothing, but the benefits are many, because in addition to penis enlargement massage has a beneficial effect on potency.

Before the massage member is better to warm up using a warm towel or handkerchief. Thanks to this trick, the effect will increase significantly, because the skin will stretch better and the blood flow increases to two times.

Methods of massage are several, and some exercises can be done in a relaxed state, others only during erection. The network has a lot of useful clips, which tell you the detail in each technique, which will greatly facilitate the task.

The easiest option-the massage is not very different than massaging the back or even hands, because he is alternately to squeeze and RUB the penis. You can use two hands and roll it between your palms. Slight tingling is not in vain, it must be remembered that manipulation of the head is not recommended.

Exercises to increase manhood – how to make it

Exercises that promote the growth and increase in diameter of the penis much. The simplest is similar to the Eastern techniques of "milking", even if a little different. After warm up (with a towel or a warm bath) you can move on to manipulation. The term is taken in one hand and fingers in the sky, head forward, after five seconds, slowly rises up and lingers in that position at the same time. Cycle choices repeat 25-30 times.

If the partial arousal of the penis can be performed seated exercises that will help you achieve not only an increase in the length, but also a significant thickening. Excited penis will be pulled in the direction of the priest, and then slowly squat. Exercises can be repeated any number of times per day. The result is noticeable the next month.

Exercises to increase you can turn and dance moves, especially if you do it to the music. The only requirement is that the penis is fully excited state. Spread wide legs, producing a movement member up and down, in circles and in different directions. The branch should be highlighted.

How to achieve the maximum length of the member.

Despite the proven effectiveness and efficiency of traditional medicine, male enhancement is completely powerless. If you tune in to the penis enlargement traditional methods, it is necessary to prepare for the unpleasant consequences – stretch marks, and even injuries. The most common way to achieve the results, as advised by witch doctors resort to the heavy load. We must not forget that he is also the most dangerous, because it ends this experiment, just injuries, but not enlarged penis.

Another option to achieve the desired – drink special tea and infusions, recipes that are fun for a tidy sum to lay out the herbalists. Here also, it is better to be naive, if you have the opportunity to influence the member, someone would go to a surgeon or do the exercises, instead drink herbal tea?

ways to increase penis

Before you make a dick bigger at home, should think about it really and is it necessary? There are plenty of opportunities to deliver pleasure to the partner and be sexual giant and without exercise, and it is a much better guide to work on improving techniques. Add to add manhood to find the forum in folk medicine, and if you want to leave comments or share experiences.